Account Rarity Type


The following conditions state the rarity of the accounts:

1- To have at least 3 dragons of superior rarities.

‌2- Rarity must be bigger in quantity compared to the previous rarity.

In case of being of Epic type or somehow superior, the previous rarity will be multiplied 5 times to keep fused dragons’ parity. In this way, accounts will not change from Rare to Common only by means of fusion.‌

When an account holds 5 or more dragons of an NFT rarity sort, rarity will be kept as long as dragon quantity is 5. In the case of being less than 5 dragons, the conditions stated at first will apply.

The common rarity is achieved by default with the first 3 starting dragons The uncommon rarity is achieved by having more uncommon dragons (at least 3) than common ones


- I have 3 rare and 3 common dragons.

Condition 1- To have 3 dragons of a superior rarity. ✅

‌Condition 2- To be superior to the previous rarity. So, 3 rare dragons are bigger in quantity compared to 0 uncommon dragons. The account is considered Rare. ✅

- I have 1 epic, 3 uncommon, and 3 common dragons.

‌1- To possess 3 dragons of superior rarity. ❌

‌2- To be bigger in quantity. ❌

Nevertheless, in this scenario you have 1 epic dragon so, multiply quantity 5 times: 1 epic dragon=5 rare dragons.

1- To have 3 dragons of superior rarity ✅ (5 rare dragons equal to an epic)

‌2- To be bigger in quantity, 5 dragons (1 epic) bigger or equal to 3 uncommon dragons. ✅

‌In this case, the account is considered rare.

-I hold 2 legendary dragons, 2 epics, and 3 rare dragons…

‌1- To have 3 dragons of higher rarity. ❌

‌2- To be higher or equal to the previous rarity. ❌

‌In this case, 2 legendary dragons = 10 epic ones (5 for each legendary one) So,

1- To have 3 dragons of higher rarity (epic dragons) ✅ ‌2- To be higher or equal to the previous rarity: 12 epic dragons > 3 rare dragons ✅

‌Your account is labeled as Epic.

- I possess 5 legendary dragons, 500 uncommon ones, and 500 common dragons.

‌1- To have 3 dragons of higher rarity. ✅

‌2- To be higher or equal to the previous rarity: legendary dragons >= 0 epic dragons ✅

‌The Account is legendary.

- I have 5 epic dragons and 6 rare ones.

‌1- To have 3 dragons of higher rarity. ✅

2- To be higher or equal to the previous rarity: 5 epic dragons >= 6 rare dragons ❌ However, in this case, the player possesses 5 epic dragons, so the account rarity is Epic.

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